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"Is a world without animals a world worth living in?"

-Slavik Family

Donald Slavik

Who Was Donald Slavik...

     Donald Slavik was an entrepreneur passionate about wildlife.  He spent his life traveling to exotic locales to see rare species.  Donald strongly believed that maintaining our natural world was the most important thing we as humans could work towards. He believed that the extinction of animals due to human incursion is a tragedy. Most importantly, Mr. Slavik believed that humanity could raise the global standard of living while living in peace with the natural world. As a parent, he prioritized and emphasized education because he believed it was the key to change. In 1995, he founded the foundation, around the same beliefs, with his wife and daughter to give grants to organizations working in defense of wildlife and nature. Although we have grown significantly since then our/his values remain unchanged. 

A Quote From the Family...

"For generations, wildlife has been a significant part of life for the Slavik family. Since the foundation’s creation, we have been refining our methods and philosophy to have the biggest impact we can on the world. Our current President Susan Slavik affirms, 

“We believe that people need to be taught to appreciate and respect the planet and its wildlife. Education and information are vital to provoke the positive change we need to save the earth’s wildlife.” Every day the foundation works with organizations dedicated to preserve wildlife and educate people on the need to save the animals around us."


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©2019 by The Donald Slavik Family Foundation.

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